Even though Federal Milk Marketing Order reform may not be top of mind in Congress, we can debate and coalesce around potential solutions. Not only could strong industry-generated consensus propel pos
We’ve seen firsthand over the past year that disease is anything but simple. While we’ve been experiencing it for ourselves, the same is true for illnesses in our dairy animals
Plant-based dairy imitators may seem like they’re everywhere, but in reality, their market impact is small compared to the sales giant that is real dairy
A combination of factors contributes to high-quality milk, but for New York dairy farmer Jim Davenport, he believes a low somatic cell count begins at the teat level
For those who closely follow dairy product pricing, monitoring CME movement, and particularly the block and barrel cheese prices, is a critical component of their sales planning
Whether your dairy farm is staffed entirely by family, brings in a few outside workers, or employs dozens of people, providing a safe, desirable work environment is key to making sure you have people to...
“If you look at the federal order pools back in the 1950s, it was about two-thirds to fluid milk and the other one-third being manufacturing,” University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Mark Stephenson...
The Lone Star State continued its meteoric flight path on milk production as its 360 dairy farms collectively produced nearly 1 billion pounds of new milk in back-to-back years
Farm work often requires road travel, whether it is driving equipment from field to field, trucking animals from one location to another, or hauling milk
Having a steady market for your milk was not of much concern to dairy farmers until the growth of the last few years changed how we think about market access